Codeforces#811 Div3 题解

D. Color with Occurrences You are given some text t and a set of n strings $s_1, s_2, \dots, s_n$ . In one step, you can choose any occurrence of any string $s_i$ in the text $t$ and color the corresponding characters of the text in red. For example, if $t=\texttt{bababa}$ and $s_1=\texttt{ba}$ , $s_2=\texttt{aba}$ , you can get $t=\color{red}{\texttt{ba}}$ $\texttt{baba}$ , $t=\texttt{b}\color{red}{\texttt{aba}}$ $\texttt{ba}$ or $t=\texttt{bab}$ $\color{red}{\texttt{aba}}$ in one step.

AtCoder Beginner Contest 261

比赛地址: 比赛只写出了 A-D。前三题比较简单,D 题是一个 DP,也比较明显,注意溢出就行。补一下 E,F(G,Ex 现阶段不考虑),完整代码 (A

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